Au Pair Experience

Argentinian Au Pair in UK

In this blog post Florencia, a 25 year old psychology student from Argentina, tells us about her experience being an Au Pair at the UK seaside in Kent. She does hold an European passport so she does not need a visum. Thank you for answering our questions, Floreancia, and all the best for your future!

I’ve been a nanny before so Au Pair was the best way to learn English

I first thought about becoming an Au Pair when I was finishing my university (psychologist). I had to wait for one year to have my degree, so I thought that maybe it was a good idea to come to the UK to learn English, and being an Au Pair is the best way for me, because I’ve been a nanny for 7/8 years.

I was also thinking about moving to Italy as I wanted to improve my italian too. Now I am in the UK and I intend to stay for one year.

My Host Family search was a bit impulsive to be honest

I looked for my Host Family on because I think it’s more safe than searching on Facebook. My Host Family was the first family I met on AuPairWorld, we talked on Skype and they looked like really nice people. They have a baby and I prefer to take care of babies, and they live in a nice place. Anyway, it was a little impulsive to be honest.

We have signed an Au Pair contract and I started the job 4 month after I met the Host Family on the internet.

My first impression was that they are really nice and easy going

The settling in was absolutely fine – I had no problems really. I felt good, because I really wanted to do this job. My first impression was that they were really nice and easy going people. My Host Family live at the seaside in Kent and I have a Hostmum, a Hostdad and the one year old baby I am taking care of.

I like that my Host Family is really nice to me, they are always thinking about me, what I want to do, what I enjoy, what I prefer, etc; and that makes me feel really well. I am sure I will stay in contact with them even after I left them. The job specifically is perfect, because I really enjoy working with babies. I don’t really like the location too much, because it’s too quiet and there are not many people, but I can travel and it’s fine.

The baby is really really easy going, she’s really sociable, she loves to be with people, so we got along really easily. In my free time I try to study some English, meet other people, travel, etc. My pocket money is enough, but I know it’s less than what other Au Pair’s get. I’m not going to English classes, but I’ll start soon.

I can stand not seeing my own family at home, but I try to speak with my friends and family in Argentina every day.

I would definitely become an Au Pair again

Without knowing what will happen in the last couple of months as an Au Pair, I can say that I would definitely become an Au Pair again. However next time I would look for information about the location where the Host Family lives.

I can highly recommend new Au Pairs to talk as much as possible with the Host Family before you go there. And to be sure if all your needs and expectations will be covered. You should be honest with yourself and the family about what you want. And you should really be sure if you enjoy to work with kids.

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